Thursday, October 7, 2010
Weight Loss: Does Breakfast Matter?
There's a good chance that you are one of the thousands of Americans who skipped breakfast today. There is also a good chance that you are overweight. This is a guess based on statistical data and the fact that you are reading this article.
One set of statistics I recently saw said that about 25% of Americans skip breakfast. Another set said that nearly one-third (33%) of Americans are obese. Is there a correlation between eating breakfast and being overweight? Will eating breakfast be a significant factor in a weight loss program?
The answer to those questions is, I mean no...or maybe I mean maybe. While there seems to have been no definitive studies linking breakfast and weight loss directly, there does seem to be a mathematical relationship between skipping breakfast and gaining weight. There also seems to be other evidence that eating breakfast can be a factor in weight loss for some people.
As I often point out, weight gain and weight loss, is very seldom the result of a single action or omission. However, like activity, nutrition, rest, cortisol, and chocolate ice cream (my sin), eating breakfast can and should be an important part of any weight loss program, even if just to help prevent any further weight gain.
One significant aspect of eating breakfast is that it can definitely be a weapon against weight gain. Someone who does not eat breakfast (and we aren't talking about coffee and donuts) is more likely to snack later in the day, and is more likely to eat more food at meals than if they had eaten breakfast. A large portion of this is simply due to fluctuations of blood sugar and other chemicals related to hunger and stress which can be toned down by the simple act of starting the day with a healthy meal of some kind.
People who skip breakfast are more likely to run out of energy earlier in the day. Simple equation here. Less energy = less activity = less calories burned + snacking and overeating = X or Y or something. What do you think? Maybe creeping weight gain?
School children in particular, but even the guy at the next desk, may have trouble keeping up with lessons, work, life if they skipped breakfast. It's no problem for you because you ate breakfast right? The ability of the brain to function depends to a great extent on the nutrition which is provided to it.
Everybody's got an excuse. I don't have time. I don't like to eat breakfast. There's nothing to eat in the house. Eating breakfast makes me feel sick. The dog ate my breakfast.
Come on. We're all grownups here. When we know that doing something is good for us, not doing it is bad for us, and it's simple to do, refusing to do it is childish. Nobody said breakfast has to be a gourmet meal. A peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk and a banana is better than nothing. A bowl of cereal takes less than a minute to prepare and less than five minutes to eat. There are a multitude of nutritious breakfast bars available. You don't even have to eat them at the house. Keep them in your desk drawer or stick one in your pocket or purse as you leave the house. Sure beats munching on a Hershey bar from the machine and raiding the candy bowl on the receptionist's desk!
If you want to control your weight, fight fatigue and prepare yourself to cope with stress throughout the day, Start the day off right with breakfast. The calories you take in at the morning meal will help prevent your taking in even more calories later in the day.
One set of statistics I recently saw said that about 25% of Americans skip breakfast. Another set said that nearly one-third (33%) of Americans are obese. Is there a correlation between eating breakfast and being overweight? Will eating breakfast be a significant factor in a weight loss program?
The answer to those questions is, I mean no...or maybe I mean maybe. While there seems to have been no definitive studies linking breakfast and weight loss directly, there does seem to be a mathematical relationship between skipping breakfast and gaining weight. There also seems to be other evidence that eating breakfast can be a factor in weight loss for some people.
As I often point out, weight gain and weight loss, is very seldom the result of a single action or omission. However, like activity, nutrition, rest, cortisol, and chocolate ice cream (my sin), eating breakfast can and should be an important part of any weight loss program, even if just to help prevent any further weight gain.
One significant aspect of eating breakfast is that it can definitely be a weapon against weight gain. Someone who does not eat breakfast (and we aren't talking about coffee and donuts) is more likely to snack later in the day, and is more likely to eat more food at meals than if they had eaten breakfast. A large portion of this is simply due to fluctuations of blood sugar and other chemicals related to hunger and stress which can be toned down by the simple act of starting the day with a healthy meal of some kind.
People who skip breakfast are more likely to run out of energy earlier in the day. Simple equation here. Less energy = less activity = less calories burned + snacking and overeating = X or Y or something. What do you think? Maybe creeping weight gain?
School children in particular, but even the guy at the next desk, may have trouble keeping up with lessons, work, life if they skipped breakfast. It's no problem for you because you ate breakfast right? The ability of the brain to function depends to a great extent on the nutrition which is provided to it.
Everybody's got an excuse. I don't have time. I don't like to eat breakfast. There's nothing to eat in the house. Eating breakfast makes me feel sick. The dog ate my breakfast.
Come on. We're all grownups here. When we know that doing something is good for us, not doing it is bad for us, and it's simple to do, refusing to do it is childish. Nobody said breakfast has to be a gourmet meal. A peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk and a banana is better than nothing. A bowl of cereal takes less than a minute to prepare and less than five minutes to eat. There are a multitude of nutritious breakfast bars available. You don't even have to eat them at the house. Keep them in your desk drawer or stick one in your pocket or purse as you leave the house. Sure beats munching on a Hershey bar from the machine and raiding the candy bowl on the receptionist's desk!
If you want to control your weight, fight fatigue and prepare yourself to cope with stress throughout the day, Start the day off right with breakfast. The calories you take in at the morning meal will help prevent your taking in even more calories later in the day.
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