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Friday, October 8, 2010

Weight Loss Plan

The voluptuous, round women and sweaty, husky men stood in rows, shoulder to shoulder, jammed into what was normally considered the "aerobics" room. The only exit was a small glass door in the back corner so anyone who dared to enter was stuck in a crowded room to jump-start their new years resolutions. Sweat poured as my mother shouted commands at the crowd of the throng of men and women in colorful spandex.

That is a mental picture of what I remember from the late 1980s when my mother was an aerobics instructor. I was left to fend for myself in the children's room and watch Nickelodeon while she would teach the sweating masses how to use a step bench. The classes held right after New Years Eve were not only the most crowded, they were also the most entertaining. I watched in amazement in the 1980s and I am still amazed to this day what people will do to lose weight. What is more shocking is how people who want to lose weight will allow their dreams and resolutions burn out quicker than a cherry bomb on New Years Eve. Days would pass and the classes would dwindle down with only the regulars left over, still maintaining their already svelte physiques and a few men occasionally joining in for a 15-minute abdominal work-out.

No one should let their resolutions die like those huffing and puffing patrons in the back of the aerobics room in the 80s. With all the diet and exercise hype surrounding us as we approach 2008, is it logical to assume that losing weight shouldn't be so complicated? Diet and exercise plans can be impractical and overwhelming, causing people to lose faith and motivation. Houston Weight Loss Centers have finally come to the rescue in Houston, Texas with answers and solutions for a variety of people who want to lose weight and look great in 2008! With its popularity increasing at a rapid rate on the Internet and by word of mouth, many people are flocking to see what Houston Weight Loss Centers have to offer.

Houston Weight Loss Centers have an easy start up plan for $99 in 2008! This includes a consultation, blood work, body composition analysis, appetite suppressant prescription and free Lipo B injection! Of course that's not all, Houston Weight Loss Centers have experienced staff to help and support you on your journey to losing pounds and keeping them off.

Maybe the crowded aerobics room is a familiar picture for you, something you have seen one too many times every year you try to start a new weight loss program. There is a possibility that the crowded aerobics room is only another weight loss clinic that makes cattle calls for it's new patients waiting in line, only leaving them feeling drained and frustrated. It is time to put the visions of colorful spandex and round bodies to rest. Be the healthy, fit person you are on the inside and let Houston Weight Loss Centers show you how to be healthy and fit on the outside. Happy New Year!

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