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Friday, October 8, 2010

Weight Loss Tip #7: You Become Who You Hang Around

Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

Can you remember the last few times you completely gorged on food that you KNEW was making you fat?

Were you alone? And if not, who were you with?

More than likely, you were pigging out with the same person or group of people that you have no doubt done this with on more than one if not many occassions.

One of the things that I teach in the Your Best Body NOW Weight Loss Program is that a regular "treat" is actually a healthy thing to keep you mentally in the game of weight loss.

At the same time, we can all tend to go overboard with this when we are in "certain company". Whether that company be friends, a significant other, or co-workers, it can be difficult to not give into the pressure and go along with whatever fattening food they may want you to indulge in with them.

So how can you get a grip on the situation?

One word---CONTROL.

Now, when I mention this "control", I'm not talking about the strict, cast-iron stomach type that has you to stick to your celery and fruit even in the midst of your favorite pizza or pastry. If you had THAT, you wouldn't be pigging out in the first place, right?

What I'm referring to is much easier, because you don't have to do it all alone.

This type of control is not just over yourself, but is exercised on your environment. It works by simply letting everyone around you know that you are participating in weight loss---not just for aesthetics, but for your health, and sincerely ask for their help.

Some people in your life will be resistant to your change at first. However, with time and consistency you will see them develop a respect for you that will make them want to HELP you eat the right thing so that you reach your weight loss goals.

This doesn't mean that you'll never enjoy your favorite decadant food with friends or loved ones again, but it does help you to not fall into a revolving door of poor food choices by giving in to every bad-for-you treat that is placed before you.

Then, when you do get around to indulging, you can do so guiltlessly because you've exercised the CONTROL to stay on the weight loss straight and narrow---most of the time.

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