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Thursday, October 7, 2010

We all want a weight loss program that works!

According to several reports taken in the recent past, America has a high obesity rate. The reports show that almost 60% of America’s population suffers from either overweight or obesity problems. America is not the only country facing such problems. Britain too is plagued by the very same problem. According to reports in Britain one out of every 10 children are cursed with the very same problem. This problem is not common only to America or Britain, however the percentage of obesity or overweight people in these countries are alarming. We are soon becoming a nation that is very unfit and filled with fat obese people. Due to the rise in obesity nation wide, diet plans have been blossoming all over.

There are dozens of diet plans that are being made available to everyone. There are low carbohydrate diets, low protein diets etc and many more. Inspite of all these diets out there, we are still fat and are getting even fatter. There are so many diets out there that it is honestly very confusing.

There are many people who genuinely want to lose weight and are not sure how to go about it. All these diets have got them wondering which one to try out.

For those who are earnestly seeking weight loss and wanting to see results there is one such program that I personally recommend: Fat loss 4 idiots. This diet really does work. It is very unlike most of the diets you’ve heard of before. This diet even offers you a good explanation for why you lose weight when you are on the diet. It is simple and easy to understand. The diet states that your body will burn as many calories as you take in. so if you take in about 2800 calories, you will also automatically burn 2800 calories. Your metabolism automatically adjusts to whatever you take in. that’s just how our system works and is meant to work.

Low carbohydrate diets too are very popular but these diets are a bit hard to follow. These diets are best only if followed to the T. The problem with low carbohydrate diets is that during the diet you feel very tired, this is because you are robbed of carbohydrates which produces energy.

Diets are not supposed to treat food as the enemy. Food can never be our enemy. You can eat your favorite food and still lose weight. Just so you know, our brain controls the release of 2 fat burning hormones and these two hormones are controlled by the food that we consume. These 2 hormones are essential in the burning and storage of fat in our body.

Fat loss 4 idiots is just making sure that everyone is educated  everyone and trying to help them make sensible decisions regarding their eating habits. They not only educate but also provide you with a diet that will help you lose weight in a healthy manner without causing your body any harm.

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