Thursday, October 7, 2010
Unorthodox Therapy - Weight Loss Hypnosis
There are no effortless or painless ways of losing substantial amounts of weight. All the current slimming pills, devices and surgical procedures for weight loss are of limited effectiveness. Many of these so-called best weight loss programs carry significant risks and should only be contemplated in extreme cases. Many weight loss products and devices are frankly fraudulent. Substantial weight loss requires the body to be in prolonged energy deficit but we have evolved a very efficient body mechanism that drives us to eat enough food to prevent energy deficit. Our control mechanism may permit, or even encourage, overeating but nature makes energy deficit very uncomfortable. Medically, it is referred to as "Hynoscript." Every person has an inborn weight control mechanism, a set point that attempts to maintain a particular amount of fat on the body.
When we diet we are trying to resist these powerful, natural urges that normally prevent energy deficit. Appetite suppressant drugs may reduce these drives, weight loss hypnosis may help us to resist them and dietary manipulations may maximize the satiating power of each food calorie. Ultimately, however, the dieter is still going to have to endure considerable discomfort and exercise considerable willpower to lose a lot of weight. Despite this pessimistic conclusion and despite all the hurdles, anyone who does achieve prolonged energy deficit will lose weight. Weight loss is not impossible for anyone if they are determined enough, persistent enough and if they have a sound weight loss program.
Most weight gain problems are the direct result of our own habits. We eat too much and exercise too little. This fact has advanced the healthcare and weight-loss industries as the largest in our society today. Many people each year disappointed with the orthodox forms of treatments seek out various methods to help them lose unwanted pounds, such as acupressure, magnet therapy, and weight loss hypnosis. There is still no concrete evidence to validate these therapies. However, if you want to try weight loss hypnosis, try to have an open mind but do not count on it working. The treatment of obesity through hypnosis or hypnotism can be helpful for people who are not able to resist the temptation to eat more food, in spite of being aware that obesity is a hazardous syndrome.
What you are trying to achieve by using weight loss hypnosis is a change in your eating habits or your set point that will keep you healthy and allow you to eat enough to reach and maintain your ideal weight. If using weight loss hypnosis you can keep your weight down for three years you will have established a new set point and it will be easy to maintain your lower weight. Think of your weight loss hypnosis as a thermostat that regulates your weight. It is nonetheless advisable to follow a low-calorie whole foods diet, along with your weight loss hypnosis. And as with any professional service, validate the hypnotist's credentials and check references.
The responsibility for the success or failure of any weight loss hypnosis ultimately lies with the dieter rather than the hypnotist or therapist. The professional can only empower and encourage the dieter. This is a difficult concept for many dieters and professionals to accept. Normally, when we consult a doctor about an injury or illness, our role as "patients" is seen as a largely passive one - we are required merely to take the prescribed drugs. The professional's skill in selecting and carrying out the correct treatment is seen as the crucial factor for successful recovery. Weight loss hypnosis is at the opposite end of this spectrum of control. In weight loss hypnosis, the expert can usually do no more than provide information, advice and encouragement. The success of failure of the treatment depends largely upon the patient's ability to understand, interpret and successfully implement the treatment plan.
There are no effortless or painless ways of losing substantial amounts of weight. All the current slimming pills, devices and surgical procedures for weight loss are of limited effectiveness. Many of these so-called best weight loss programs carry significant risks and should only be contemplated in extreme cases. Many weight loss products and devices are frankly fraudulent. Substantial weight loss requires the body to be in prolonged energy deficit but we have evolved a very efficient body mechanism that drives us to eat enough food to prevent energy deficit. Our control mechanism may permit, or even encourage, overeating but nature makes energy deficit very uncomfortable. Medically, it is referred to as "Hynoscript." Every person has an inborn weight control mechanism, a set point that attempts to maintain a particular amount of fat on the body.
When we diet we are trying to resist these powerful, natural urges that normally prevent energy deficit. Appetite suppressant drugs may reduce these drives, weight loss hypnosis may help us to resist them and dietary manipulations may maximize the satiating power of each food calorie. Ultimately, however, the dieter is still going to have to endure considerable discomfort and exercise considerable willpower to lose a lot of weight. Despite this pessimistic conclusion and despite all the hurdles, anyone who does achieve prolonged energy deficit will lose weight. Weight loss is not impossible for anyone if they are determined enough, persistent enough and if they have a sound weight loss program.
Most weight gain problems are the direct result of our own habits. We eat too much and exercise too little. This fact has advanced the healthcare and weight-loss industries as the largest in our society today. Many people each year disappointed with the orthodox forms of treatments seek out various methods to help them lose unwanted pounds, such as acupressure, magnet therapy, and weight loss hypnosis. There is still no concrete evidence to validate these therapies. However, if you want to try weight loss hypnosis, try to have an open mind but do not count on it working. The treatment of obesity through hypnosis or hypnotism can be helpful for people who are not able to resist the temptation to eat more food, in spite of being aware that obesity is a hazardous syndrome.
What you are trying to achieve by using weight loss hypnosis is a change in your eating habits or your set point that will keep you healthy and allow you to eat enough to reach and maintain your ideal weight. If using weight loss hypnosis you can keep your weight down for three years you will have established a new set point and it will be easy to maintain your lower weight. Think of your weight loss hypnosis as a thermostat that regulates your weight. It is nonetheless advisable to follow a low-calorie whole foods diet, along with your weight loss hypnosis. And as with any professional service, validate the hypnotist's credentials and check references.
The responsibility for the success or failure of any weight loss hypnosis ultimately lies with the dieter rather than the hypnotist or therapist. The professional can only empower and encourage the dieter. This is a difficult concept for many dieters and professionals to accept. Normally, when we consult a doctor about an injury or illness, our role as "patients" is seen as a largely passive one - we are required merely to take the prescribed drugs. The professional's skill in selecting and carrying out the correct treatment is seen as the crucial factor for successful recovery. Weight loss hypnosis is at the opposite end of this spectrum of control. In weight loss hypnosis, the expert can usually do no more than provide information, advice and encouragement. The success of failure of the treatment depends largely upon the patient's ability to understand, interpret and successfully implement the treatment plan.
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