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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Understanding the Tummy tuck procedure and Complications from Tummy tuck surgery

Tummy tuck surgery is performed thousands of times successfully each year with out any risk for patients going through the tummy tuck procedure.

If you are worried or concerned about complications associated with the tummy tuck procedure, talking to a qualified plastic surgeon that has been trained in body contouring should help alleviate many concerns you may have.

Finding a good experienced plastic surgeon should not be difficult as plastic surgery is practiced abundantly in most major cities.

It should be noted that with advancements and technology in plastic surgery, most complications following tummy tuck surgery are deemed rare.

Educating yourself about the tummy tuck procedure should be your first step in helping you choose a plastic surgeon. A good qualified plastic surgeon will take time to discuss with you procedures in place to minimize complications from tummy tuck surgery.

Ask your plastic surgeon lots of questions about the tummy tuck procedure and any complications that could develop following your tummy tuck surgery. Being well informed is the best choice you can do for yourself and should help alleviate most concerns you may have.

Listed below are some of the complications associated with the tummy tuck procedure that should be addressed with your plastic surgeon.

Allergic reaction - to the anesthesia

Infection - can be a serious problem and if bleeding occurs may develop into a hematoma

Hematoma - A collection of blood under the skin (commonly referred to a blood blister)

Blood clots - More common with women taking birth control pills.

Fat necrosis - After the abdominal wall has been stretched. Blood supply to the remaining fat and skin has been damaged. On rare occasions this may lead to necrosis of the fat cells which then become liquefied and hardened.

Swelling - Mostly lasts for a month a month to six weeks following surgery.

Bruising - Common in the abdomen area but in severe cases can extend to the surrounding skin.

Skin Loss - The abdominal wall is stretched during surgery and blood supply to the skin may be damaged which may result in death of the skin in the surrounding areas. This is more common in people with diabetes and smokers. If this occurs a skin graft may be needed.

Wound Separation - Scar tissue heals slowly and some separation may be expected, although rarely a problem it may lead to a heavier scar and slower recovery.

Some common plastic surgery techniques being utilized today to reduce complications in certain areas following your tummy tuck surgery are as follows.

Pain and nausea can be greatly reduced if your plastic surgeon injects and long lasting numbing medicine in the rectus muscle which has been tightened during the tummy tuck procedure. This is a simple procedure if performed by your plastic surgeon will most likely reduce complications from pain and expedite your recovery from plastic surgery.

Applying a topical steroid cream for a few days following surgery will significantly reduce complications from scarring, and if followed up for about six weeks your scars will fade faster and become much less noticeable.

Fluid collection under the skin following your tummy tuck surgery can be reduced by placing drains under the skin at the time surgery is performed.

Another procedure you may ask your plastic surgeon about for reducing the complications of fluid collection is by placing internal stitches between the fascia (gristle) and the underside of your fat. Most likely this will prevent any complications from fluid collection before they start.

This tummy tuck procedure may reduce the time of having your drains in place to just 2-3 days following your tummy tuck surgery

Becoming educated in the tummy tuck procedure is your responsibility and should not be avoided. Only then will you be able to make wise choice finding a qualified plastic surgeon that you will be confident with to perform your tummy tuck surgery.

After carefully choosing your plastic surgeon you will then be able to understand the procedures in place to reduce any risk of complications.

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