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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Can Hoodia Gordonii Help You Lose Weight?

Hoodia Gordonii is the newest catch phrase in the weight loss industry today. Everyone wants to be in on the secret, and still more are wondering about this miraculous plant. What does it do, how can it help you lose weight, and why wasn’t it heard of before? Well, some of it appears to be true, however there is more to weight loss than just taking a pill.

Hoodia Gordonii has actually been around for quite some time, but was only recently discovered to be an appetite suppressant. According to many reports, including some from well known media, it can make you feel full faster and stay full longer because of it's apparent ability to stave off hunger.

The Bushmen of the Kalahari deserts have been eating Hoodia for quite some time now, and have been familiar with its thirst and hunger quenching abilities. That’s why, when using hoodia it is important to have adequate hydration on top of a healthy diet. Even though hoodia is natural and may be able to work on its own to help safely curb your appetite, it is essential that you incorporate it into a healthy lifestyle. Allowing it to starve you is not healthy, so remember that.

Speaking with your doctor is essential in assuring you do not get in over your head. As with any weight loss product, your doctor should know what you are taking and how you plan to use Hoodia in your life. While it is not known to cause any unpleasant side effects, it’s not for certain how it will react with any prescription medications you could be taking. For safety reasons, let your physician know you plan on taking Hoodia and they may be able to help devise a diet and exercise plan that will work with the supplement to ensure maximum weight loss potential.

Although this supplement is being toted by many as the newest weight loss miracle, do not let the hype get to you. It is unrealistic to expect a diet pill to do all the work for you and put simply, it will not.

Diet pills like Hoodia Gordonii, Phentermine, Bontril, Adipex, or others, can help you reach your weight loss goals by supressing your appetite, but that's only part of the solution to keeping the weight off forever. If you want to lose weight and maintain your health, you have to be willing to change your eating habits and exercise.

Eat foods daily that are good for you like :

-Fruits and vegetables, especially leafy green vegetables.
-Lean chicken.
-Fish like Haddock, Cod, or Salmon, that is low in fat and has Omega-3 fatty acids that are good for your heart.
-Replace peanut butter with almond butter or cashew butter.
-Replace white bread with multigrain, rye, or spelt bread.
-Stay away from sugar. Use honey instead. Stay away from artifical sweetners.
-If you must eat deserts, eat low sugar yogurt or plain yogurt mixed with fresh fruit. Or go to a specialty bakery or health food store and buy desserts made without sugar and without preservatives.
-Stay away from caffeine that is in coffee and tea as much as possible. If you suffer from fatique, headaches, or anxiety all the time, this may be part of the reason. Try decafeinated brands instead.
-Reduce your salt consumption. Use No Salt or Half Salt products instead.
-Eat nuts without oil added to them, like pure almonds, cashews and so on, but not that much. They do have a high calorie content.
-Stay away from packaged products, including TV dinners, that are loaded with chemicals and sodium.

*Note: If you are allergic to any of the above, check with your physician for advice.

Exercise :

-Walk at least 20 minutes straight, 3-5 times per week.
-Lift light weights if you can and your doctor approves. A good gym is the best for this because they can put you on a good workout schedule. Strengthening your muscles will help you burn fat faster and will make you feel better.
-Start out slow and build from there.

You'll succeed and lose the weight you want over time if you follow some or all of these guidelines. Depending on how much you are overweight now, most doctors advise losing no more than 4 pounds a month. You should be able to do that easily.

If you are prone to eating binges, or you have a sweet tooth, or you find that cutting down on how much you eat is too tough, you should consider an appetite suppressant like Hoodia Gordonii or similar, at least for the first few months you're trying to lose weight. Only taking what is suggested on the bottle or even less at first to see how it affects you. Ask your doctor for guidance if needed.

I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at what you can accomplish when you set your mind to it and realize you are not on a diet, but you're changing your lifestyle for the better.

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